

What is a small seal (small commemorative communication date stamp)? A postmark with an unusual design used in commemorative events!

A small seal (kogata-ink) or small commemorative communication date stamp (kogata-kinen-tsushin-nippu-in) is a postmark used for municipal events, exhibitions, and other local commemorative events.

What is a special postmark (special communication date stamp)? A rare postmark with a limited time and limited number of post offices that can stamp it! Be proud of your rare design!

A special postmark or special communication date stamp is a postmark used when commemorative or special stamps are issued or when commemorative events are held nationwide. It is a postmark with a diameter of 36mm and is stamped with steep-colored ink. There are two types of special stamps: machine stamps (for commemorative stamping machines) and hand-pressed stamps (for hand-pressing).

How to collect postmarks – How do I get a postmark without going to the post office?

I want a postmark from a distant post office!I want the postmark of the post office at the top of Mt. Fuji, but I don't want to go up there…Don't worry, I'll show you how to get a postmark from a distant post office.

What is a special postmark?There are postmarks with Sky Tree, Mt.Fuji, and Doraemon on some postmarks.

In general, a simple circular postmark with the name of the post office, date, and time is often used, but beautifully and stylishly designed postmarks are also sometimes used.There are several types of special postmarks, so I'll introduce some of the most common ones.


2017年6月より郵便はがき・定形外郵便物・ゆうメールの料金が変更になりました。 これにより、第二種郵便物(はがき)の料金も変更となりました。ここに大きな落とし穴があり、改定後初の2018年用年賀を差し出すときには十分気をつける必要...


画像は年賀状に押される消印、「年賀」と書かれた通称「年賀印」ですが、多くの年賀状には消印がないことをご存知でしたか? 今年届いた年賀状を見てみましょう。大半の年賀状に消印がないのは、年賀状が特別な取り扱いをする郵便物だからです。 ...